Where can I buy Vertcoin?
There are many websites and applications where you can buy and sell Vertcoin. Go to Buy Vertcoin for trusted exchange websites.
Where can I get the One Click Miner (OCM)?
You can get the latest version of the One-Click Miner here. Download the latest version and start mining today!
Where can I get the Vertcoin Wallet?
You can download the latest and securest Vertcoin Wallet here.
I want to participate in this project. How can I contact you?
Great! The best way to reach out to our team us is on Discord.
You can also contact us through other channels.
I want to donate to this project
Vertcoin is developed, maintained and markedet by volunteers from the community and funded solely by donations. Feel free to contribute to a specific Vertcoin project through Community Crowdfunding.